FREE emergency system repair from a DVD disk or a bootable USB drive to be used if your Windows system is rendered non-bootable by malware
It will help you to not only clean your system of infected and suspicious files but also copy important information to removable media or another computer; Dr.Web LiveDisk also attempts to cure infected objects.
After downloading Dr.Web CureIt!, you will be redirected to the Anti-virus Times project page.
Important! Dr.Web LiveDisk is designed to run under Windows OSs (64-bit versions). To boot from a flash drive, your computer's BIOS must support booting from a USB HDD device
Dr.Web ToorchRemover for Android — is designed to cure smartphones and tablets (running Android OS 2.3 or higher) that are infected with Android.Toorch.1.origin.
License agreement for use of Dr.Web LiveDisk software
The License agreement is concluded between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Doctor Web (“the right holder”), that possesses intellectual property rights with regard to usage of Dr.Web LiveDisk software (“software") including usage of technologies and software from other vendors where corresponding rights are acquired under the law of the Russian Federation and International Law, as follows:
Terms and conditions provided herein regulate usage of the software, all its components and related documentation which are the subject of the intellectual property rights of the right holder. If you disagree with any and all terms of the present License Agreement, you must not use any copy of the software. Violation of the terms of the present License agreement is considered an unauthorized use of the software and entails civil, administrative and criminal responsibility.
By accepting this License Agreement, you expressly agree to the terms of this agreement in full.
he software is and will always remain an exclusive property of the right holder.
Subject to your full and unconditional acceptance of all terms and conditions of this License Agreement, the right holder gives you a non-exclusive right to use the software in the entire world by reproducing it which is limited to its installation launching and writing it into the computer memory. The non-exclusive rights to the software described in this clause shall be transmitted to you for the duration of the exclusive rights of the right holder to the Software (software usage period). The number of protected objects (PCs, servers, etc.) is 1 (one) computer.
The non-exclusive license provided to you under the terms and conditions set forth herein is construed and regulated by the law of the Russian Federation. All disputes regarding the non-exclusive license provided herein will be resolved in corresponding courts at the right holder's location.
Usage rights are granted to you only in respect of software, whose title is specified in this Agreement and in the license key file. The software can only be used within a specified period of time under a defined operating system and with the number of protected objects (personal computers, servers, etc.) as defined in the license key file.
You are granted the right to make a copy of an instance of the software, provided that the copy is intended only for archival purposes, or for replacement of a lawfully obtained copy of the software in cases where the copy has been lost, destroyed or became unusable. A copy of an instance of the software can not be used for other purposes and must be destroyed if possession of the software copy is no longer lawful.
You are granted the right to receive through the Internet, virus database updates as well as upgrades of the software modules as they made available by the right holder through the entire software usage period. All software updates are an integral part thereof and are used solely in conjunction with the software under the terms of this License Agreement, unless other conditions are established by the right holder in addition to the terms defined herein.
During the software usage period you are entitled to use the Technical support service of the right-holder or of its reseller that concluded a corresponding agreement with the right-holder. The right holder guarantees to reply to messages from users containing heir registration data, received through the support system accessible on the right holder’s website. You agree that information obtained from you during the registration (including personal data), as well as information submitted to the technical support service, can be used (including processing personal data) by the right holder on its sole discretion solely for internal needs.
You may not distribute the software, in any format and by any means including selling, renting, leasing and importing the software for any of such purposes.
You may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform any other actions with the software object code aiming to obtain information about algorithms implemented in the software unless you are compelled to perform such actions by the law or have a written permission from the right holder to do so. You may not modify the internal protection mechanism of the software. Copying the software with removed or non-operational self-protection and unauthorized usage of such software is illegal.
The software, its components and the accompanying documentation are provided as is without any express or implied warranty of any kind. ?The right holder is not liable to you for any problems including but not limited to issues arising during installation, updating, support and maintenance of your software copy including any conflicts with other software products or drivers, problems due to your misinterpretation of guidance provided in documentation, failure of the software to meet your expectations.
The right holder shall not be held responsible for any negative consequences caused by the incompatibility or conflict of the software with other software products installed on the same computer (personal computer, server, etc.). A software copy is not meant to run and may not be used in information systems operating in hazardous environment or in life support systems where software failure can endanger health or life of a human being or cause losses of any kind.
The software runs in a Linux (OS) system written on a tangible medium and created by a third party that has no connection with the right holder. This operating system and its components are distributed and used in accordance with the GNU General Public License (hereinafter - GPL).
The software is not a part of any component of the OS. The OS is not subject to the provisions of this agreement that restrict the right to use the software.
The right holder agrees to provide the source code of the OS if a corresponding request is submitted to its technical support service.
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